What is #DrinkTheVille ?
Maybe you’ve been seeing this crazy run-on word with a number/pound
sign and wondering what it’s all about.
Or maybe you already know it’s a hashtag, but are still in the dark as
to what this one means. Let’s start at
the very beginning for those of you in the first group.
These run-on words following the number sign are what is
known as a hashtag in social media, and particularly on Twitter. It’s used as a search term. Let’s say you wanted to search Twitter to see
if anyone had posted about the 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall
coming down. You might plug in
#Berlinwall to search for any related posts.
Well, we have our own fun trend here in Summerville (in the
form of a social trolley tour) that we think will continue to catch on and be
popular. In fact, we figured we would
save everyone some time and call it by its hashtag! You’ve heard all about the Good Eats on the
Sweet Tea Trail, where passengers can sample foods from different restaurants
around town. Did you know there’s one
that serves “good drinks?” That’s
#DrinkTheVille !
On the third Saturday of each month, you can catch
#DrinkTheVille and visit three local pubs or restaurants for a drink, a small
appetizer, and a mixology lesson. There’s
no history lesson on the trolley. There’s
no narration, really. It’s just a
straight-up good time with friends, plus the chance to make new ones, as you
ride around town from one establishment to the next.
It’s cocktail hour on wheels!
Sound good? Well,
you’re in luck. The next one is this coming
Saturday, November 15, at 4pm, and it begins at Oscar’s on Highway 78.
Click here for tickets! Click on #DrinkTheVille once you arrive at the page.